Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Gun Wars

A little game slipped by most gamers' radars known as Gun Wars! It is a simple hex-based game in which you construct turrets to blow up other teams' turrets on their hexes. It's a nice looking game. For $1.99 it might be worth a look.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ian Marsh Games

For those of you who know him as eeenmachine, Ian Marsh is a premier game dev for the iPod with such titles behind him like Scoops and Textropolis. His latest game, Kyper, has recieved many great reviews. My personal experiences with Textropolis were fun and addicting to say the least. He currently has his games on sale for 99 cents so go grab 'em!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Heat Shield

I stumbled upon this awesome-looking app called Heat Shield. I will get it soon and will post my impressions.

Here's their website. Enjoy the awesomeness!

Unearthed from my Collection

Todays find is an older app called Earth Day from Chillingo. Many missed it but it is worth the 99 cents I used for it. You play as Earth and rotate turrets around your planet to blow up asteroids and alien invaders to prevent Earth from being conquered. Graphics are nice and the music is trippy. Overall it's a good and solid game. One cool feature is that you can upgrade all sorts of things for your turrets.